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Our Living-Learning Programs provide students with the opportunity to thrive both in and out of the classroom in a learning environment that becomes home. There are Living-Learning Community and Residential College options for students from every academic college and every class year. Make the most of your Virginia Tech experience by joining a Living-Learning Program.
The moment you decide to be a Hokie, you choose to have a unique college experience. Make the most of your Virginia Tech experience by joining a Living-Learning Community.
Living-Learning Communities
- Corps of Cadets
- Galileo
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- Hillcrest
- 上外国的网站东西加速软件
- Meraki
- Mozaiko
- Orion
- Studio 72
- Thrive
- 上外国的网站东西加速软件
- 上外国的网站东西加速软件
Residential Colleges transform learning by focusing on the interdisciplinary connections between students. Students get the benefits of a liberal arts education within the context of a global land-grant university. Led by live-in Faculty Principals, residential colleges welcome students from any major and year — and create a culture in which both tradition and innovation are celebrated.
Residential Colleges
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- Residential College at West Ambler Johnston
Questions? Check out our FAQs! Or, email livinglearning@vt.edu for more information.
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